The portable 5G service handling system of Maywide is a mobile solution tailored for radio and TV clients, to achieve a fast and convenient 5G service handling process.
The system adopts advanced microservice architecture and H5 lightweight deployment, and the front-end framework is based on H5 technology and can be easily embedded in enterprise wechat with no additional APP, easy operation, so as to reduce terminal requirements and costs. The background adopts cloud and microservice architecture, and each service is independently deployed, to support flexible expansion and service improvement.
Rapid service promotion, The handheld BOSS system supports the rapid promotion of 5G services, improves handling efficiency, and meets user needs.
5G integration development, Support 5G fixed and mobile integration, promote the development of mobile and fixed networks, to provide innovative service and value-added services.
User experience enhancement, Select a number and open the card within 5 min with the mobile and smart processing mode, to greatly improve the user experience and satisfaction.
Full service support, Powerful and simple to use, and support full service scenarios such as card selection, package ordering, recharge and payment, and bill inquiry.